Never would I have expected my phone would go off late Tuesday evening alerting me that an Amtrak train I take regularly had derailed. Does that mean I never considered a derailment as a possible event? Absolutely not. The very sad reality about the horrific events of Amtrak 188 is […]
Posts with tag: PA
The word about Indego is definitely out now – and that should be a good thing. The numbers would lead one to believe it is; 8,000 rides in the first week isn’t a bad number at all. However, on a system with about 60 stations – three of which are […]
Three weeks ago, I learned how to ride a bike in two hours at the preview event for Indego, Philadelphia’s bike share program. I signed up for a membership and said, “So, I don’t actually know how to ride a bike.” Luckily for me, that wouldn’t be an issue. I […]
Well, this is it. Three months left. It’s been one hell of a five-year journey. And over those five years, there’s been one question I’ve been asked more than any: Why did you choose Drexel? The latest occurrence is the Drexel Subreddit. But, it’s a valid question, and one I’m […]
First, yes, that is a horrible name for a product. I’m working on it, but it’s not what’s important. What is important is that it is finally optimized for what it was designed for: any device you might be holding at a bus stop.* *Almost any device. Project Getting There […]
In case you missed it, SEPTA announced yesterday 24-hour subway service (as in actual trains, not busses) on the weekend is here to stay. No, seriously. I’m not kidding. And that’s huge. Earlier in the week, we got the biggest look we’ve had in a long time at the new […]
I believe I’ve talked about this subject before, but it remains one of the most frequently asked questions I get at Drexel. It’s one that has also come with more than a few strange looks. But go ahead, look at me weird when I say I work in the Archives. […]
It’s weird thinking about it, but midterms week at Drexel means I’ve now been back in the US for six weeks. Wow. Doesn’t even remotely feel like that. Then again, it’s hard to believe it’s already week five at Drexel. But, so is the case every term. So, I thought […]
As I’ve mentioned on here before, I’m not one to go without cracking off a joke or two about SEPTA. There are times when you’re riding with a rather, shall we say “interesting”, crowd, reliability varies, especially in the on-time category, and we still use tokens (although those should be on […]
Awesome. Mind-blowing. Stunning. Incredible. All gross understatements. Describing the Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses’ performance in Philadelphia may well be impossible to adequately do in just a single word. However, there are two things that are for sure: one, it was the best concert I’ve ever been two, […]
If this were a movie rather than a blog, this is where one of those fancy transitions would go. But it’s not. Nonetheless, it has indeed been a month since I’ve last posted. Given that the second to last post made on here was the one celebrating our first birthday, yeah, that […]
You may know where your towel is, but do you know where you pillow is? If you were in Philly this past Saturday, a pillow was a good thing to have on hand. Why? Oh, no reason in particular… This year, the annual Philadelphia Pillow Fight Day was organized by […]
17 March 2018 Update: Hello, Googlers! I don’t know why this post seems to be trending on Google lately, but please be aware it is from 2012. Whatever information you’re looking for that led you here may no longer apply. Happy reading! Disclaimer: While I am friends with the producer of the […]
As much as I do like working at BMS, I can’t wait to get back to Philly. The reason is actually pretty simple: there’s always something going on in Philly. If you spend the time to look hard enough, there is an extremely good chance you can find something to do […]
If you’re one of the few people who really know me, you already know I crack off jokes about SEPTA on occasion, from nothing says “Good Morning, Philly” like equipment problems to the real motto of SEPTA isn’t “We’re Getting There” it’s “We’re Getting There [Eventually]”. But despite the equipment problems, insanely crowded trains […]