Awesome. Mind-blowing. Stunning. Incredible. All gross understatements. Describing the Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses’ performance in Philadelphia may well be impossible to adequately do in just a single word. However, there are two things that are for sure: one, it was the best concert I’ve ever been two, […]
Posts with tag: performance
3 posts
In keeping up with the site updates, some very small ones were rolled out today: Sidebar: Removed “The Latest 5” box. Since the sidebar only appears on the home page, it was unnecessary to show the latest five posts again. The box still exists in the footer, which is shown […]
As much as I do like working at BMS, I can’t wait to get back to Philly. The reason is actually pretty simple: there’s always something going on in Philly. If you spend the time to look hard enough, there is an extremely good chance you can find something to do […]