Well, this is it. Three months left. It’s been one hell of a five-year journey. And over those five years, there’s been one question I’ve been asked more than any: Why did you choose Drexel? The latest occurrence is the Drexel Subreddit. But, it’s a valid question, and one I’m […]
Posts with tag: thoughts
Having a bit of fun with mates back at Uni poke fun at Myki reminded me I haven’t shared my full thoughts on the system. Myki is a system I have to use here daily in Melbourne and while it’s not horrible, it far from being an efficient, reliable ticketing […]
If I weren’t on Drexel’s five-year plan, I’d be a Senior. Put another way, at most other colleges, this would be my last year of college. Technically, Drexel gave me Junior status at the beginning of this quarter, but now that the last full week of classes is coming to […]
In the event you were not aware, Apple is accepting “thoughts, memories, and condolences” about the loss of Steve Jobs from anyone: fans, friends, Apple employees, literally, anyone. If you read last night’s update, you’ve already seen this first part, but I thought I’d share the email I sent in. […]
This isn’t a question I get asked often, but it is one people who know me have asked before. I get asked all the time by people why I don’t run Firefox. I’ll tell you why. I’ve run it before. It is one of the most horrendous resource hogs I have ever […]