Posts with tag: Philadelphia
I almost didn’t notice (and probably would not have if I were busier than I currently am), but last week marked that I’ve now lived in Portland for three months. In those three months I’ve been busy enough to nearly forget my own birthday, I’ve looped around Portland on Streetcar […]
Last Thursday morning, I had the last class of my academic career. It’s still sinking in. Thirty minutes ago, I submitted my last assignment. That feels equally weird. Earlier this morning, I started the annual move out of the dorm, which I have gotten used to thanks to my co-ops […]
Never would I have expected my phone would go off late Tuesday evening alerting me that an Amtrak train I take regularly had derailed. Does that mean I never considered a derailment as a possible event? Absolutely not. The very sad reality about the horrific events of Amtrak 188 is […]
The word about Indego is definitely out now – and that should be a good thing. The numbers would lead one to believe it is; 8,000 rides in the first week isn’t a bad number at all. However, on a system with about 60 stations – three of which are […]
Three weeks ago, I learned how to ride a bike in two hours at the preview event for Indego, Philadelphia’s bike share program. I signed up for a membership and said, “So, I don’t actually know how to ride a bike.” Luckily for me, that wouldn’t be an issue. I […]
Well, this is it. Three months left. It’s been one hell of a five-year journey. And over those five years, there’s been one question I’ve been asked more than any: Why did you choose Drexel? The latest occurrence is the Drexel Subreddit. But, it’s a valid question, and one I’m […]
Design generally isn’t something you should have to worry about as a public transit authority, but it makes a big difference. As a historically token-based system, card design has never been one of SEPTA’s strong points. If you’ve ever had a SEPTA pass, I think you know what I mean. […]
First, yes, that is a horrible name for a product. I’m working on it, but it’s not what’s important. What is important is that it is finally optimized for what it was designed for: any device you might be holding at a bus stop.* *Almost any device. Project Getting There […]
In case you missed it, SEPTA announced yesterday 24-hour subway service (as in actual trains, not busses) on the weekend is here to stay. No, seriously. I’m not kidding. And that’s huge. Earlier in the week, we got the biggest look we’ve had in a long time at the new […]
I didn’t come to Drexel for its co-op program. I didn’t even know it had one until Accepted Students Day, and I nearly missed the deadline to even apply to Drexel. Much to the concern of most of my high school teachers, I started applying to college very late in […]
According to a late-breaking on Twitter last night, Drexel is now fining streetcart vendors for vending on the sidewalk. *BREAKING* SpOt will NO LONGER be serving @DrexelUniv due to NEW police Capt’s order to fine ALL foodcart vendors for using sidewalk.Pls RT — SpOt Gourmet Burgers (@Spotburgers) July 28, 2014 […]
One of the little known facts about me may be that I didn’t actually grow up in a certain city in Missouri, strictly speaking. I actually grew up in a suburb. In fact, I can’t actually remember if I ever did get to see downtown. My family moved to New […]