I have to be honest, it’s really hard remembering everything this past year, so I am cheating a bit. This is apparently the second year in a row I’m kicking things off from the West Coast. In fact, I haven’t celebrated New Years from back home on the East Coast since […]
Posts with category: Life At Drexel
Last Thursday morning, I had the last class of my academic career. It’s still sinking in. Thirty minutes ago, I submitted my last assignment. That feels equally weird. Earlier this morning, I started the annual move out of the dorm, which I have gotten used to thanks to my co-ops […]
Well, this is it. Three months left. It’s been one hell of a five-year journey. And over those five years, there’s been one question I’ve been asked more than any: Why did you choose Drexel? The latest occurrence is the Drexel Subreddit. But, it’s a valid question, and one I’m […]
One of the downside to attending Drexel is the co-op program. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great program and I think it’s a model other universities should copy, but the timing of it isn’t necessarily in your favor. I was put on the Fall/Winter cycle, which definitely was in […]
I didn’t come to Drexel for its co-op program. I didn’t even know it had one until Accepted Students Day, and I nearly missed the deadline to even apply to Drexel. Much to the concern of most of my high school teachers, I started applying to college very late in […]
According to a late-breaking on Twitter last night, Drexel is now fining streetcart vendors for vending on the sidewalk. *BREAKING* SpOt will NO LONGER be serving @DrexelUniv due to NEW police Capt’s order to fine ALL foodcart vendors for using sidewalk.Pls RT — SpOt Gourmet Burgers (@Spotburgers) July 28, 2014 […]
A year ago, Paul english of Kayak had a rather interesting interview with The New York Times. The title of this post is one of his ideas that blew me away. Personally, I’m a fan of risk. Yes, that is a dangerous decision and there have been launch-day purchases and other investments […]
Considering that VMware is, perhaps, one of the best known and respected names in the information technology field, I think it should come as little surprise that VMware’s CEO, Paul Maritz, knows how to run a successful business. The New York Times interviewed him in 2010, and it’s worth a […]
Note: This is another post for an assignment at Drexel. If you read the other two, you know the drill. FOSS, Free and Open Source Software, is a concept that has fueled many technology innovations. There is a fairly good chance you’ve used a FOSS project without even realizing it. […]
If you’re a “hardcore” manga collector, that title may have made you cringe. For those who know me, you might be thinking I’m nuts right now. But, it’s true. As of today, the Drexel University Libraries are the owners of a portion of my manga collection. Why? A couple of […]
3 Jan, 2019 Update: I see this posting appears to get a lot of traffic from those looking for Jim Heumann’s article on good requirements. The link from when this article was originally published is no longer good, however you can read the article as it appeared on IBM’s website […]
Note: This post is for an assignment here at Drexel. You’re welcome to read it, but it’s a departure from the usual programming. My first encounter with IRC likely dates back to around 2005 when I was active on a forum I’ve since left. 2007 is when it became one […]
I believe I’ve talked about this subject before, but it remains one of the most frequently asked questions I get at Drexel. It’s one that has also come with more than a few strange looks. But go ahead, look at me weird when I say I work in the Archives. […]
It’s weird thinking about it, but midterms week at Drexel means I’ve now been back in the US for six weeks. Wow. Doesn’t even remotely feel like that. Then again, it’s hard to believe it’s already week five at Drexel. But, so is the case every term. So, I thought […]
Today I’d like to make an important announcement concerning my future studies at Drexel. After four years and three co-ops in IT, I’ve decided its time for a change. Technology has always been one of my passions and it will continue to be so even though I’m changing my major. […]
If you attend Drexel, you may have received this email last night (open post to view): Likewise, you may not have. As far as I know, Drexel has not released any official number as to how many of us had our records accidentally disclosed, but I’m hearing speculation on Facebook that […]
Note: I originally wrote this weeks ago, and it was meant to go up to mark a month of being in Melbourne. Well, it’s been sitting as a draft since the 27th of last month now and now I’ve been here nearly two months. So, I think it’s time to […]
Since I don’t really have anything new to say about living here in Australia, I thought I’d talk about a big part of Melbourne instead: trams. There are quite a lot of them here. But, given that Melbourne has the largest tram network in the world, that is to be […]
As you’ve probably guessed by the title, I am in Melbourne now. In the event you put bets on to how long it would take me to get over Jet-lag, hope you bet zero: I’m already adjusted to the time zone difference. Which is good, because there’s already been plenty […]