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How is this page different from the Bio and Projects page?
This page is more of a timeline of my work and volunteer history. Think of this as an extended LinkedIn profile. The Bio page is more of introduction to who I am and what I do. The Projects page lists things I have worked on over the years. Ones that I think are particularly noteworthy are also included here.
Note: Major projects for each year include both personal and work-related projects.
Looking for a copy of my print Resumé?
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If you would like to make an offer of employment, please review the FAQ section at the bottom of this page, then send me a message through LinkedIn. To confirm that you have read this page, please include the word “Paimon” somewhere in your message (in the subject is fine.)
Is this in chronological order?
Yes and no. Positions and projects are grouped by starting year.
I have a question about…
There’s a pretty good chance I’ve answered it at the FAQ in the bottom. If I haven’t, feel free to shoot me an email.
Stephen James Weber (They/Them)
- South Waterfront, Portland, OR
- stephen[at]francehopper[dot]com
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology – Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, June 2015. 3.44 GPA
Jump to a year: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2008 | 2007
Volunteer Experience:
Guest Driver | Kumoricon
October 2023 – March 2024
- Transport Guests of Honor and Industry Guests to and from the airport, as well as any other requested locations.
Assistant Director, Secretary | Kumoricon
January 2023 – Present
- Assist with the writing and editing of meeting minutes.
- Maintain convention policy documents including the Code of Conduct, Bylaws, and Staff Manual.
- Review and ratify staff applications.
Volunteer Experience:
On-Stage Panel Moderator | Kumoricon
September 2022 – March 2024
- Sit onstage with convention guests to help lead panels and maintain the flow of conversation between convention attendees and panelists.
Twitch Moderator | Kumoricon
March 2022 – January 2023
- Moderate live chat during live-streamed events on Kumoricon’s Twitch channel.
Volunteer Experience:
Community Manager / Senior Support Staff | ZREO Studios
September 2021 – Present
- Manage all aspects of the Discord server, including user management, role configurations, and bot automations.
- Assist with configuring Discord & Patreon membership programs and integrations.
- Manage the group’s presence on Mastodon.
Work History:
Human Resources Shared Services Reporting Analyst | The Kroger Company
December 2020 – Present
- Primary data engineer and support contact for all agent performance reporting.
- Maintain report data sources from Alvaria Workforce Management, Five9 Cloud Contact Center, SAP Business Objects, ServiceNow, Emplifi Astute Agent, and Moxie Channels.
- Design and implement Power Automate flows for near real-time reporting needs.
- Build and maintain Power BI and Power Query for Excel reports to meet business needs.
- Configured Aspect Performance Management dashboards, reports, scorecards, and metrics calculations.
Note: I was being cross-trained for this position during the same time I was an Intraday Analyst. The start date is reflective of when I transitioned to the Reporting & Metrics team in a full-time capacity rather than a hybrid role.
Intraday Analyst | The Kroger Company
March 2020 – December 2020
- Assisted with crisis management for outages reported by Kroger’s contact centers.
- Maintained agent schedules, PTO balances, and profile information in Alvaria Workforce Management.
- Monitored Alvaria Real Time Adherence for schedule alarms across Kroger’s call centers.
Note: This was an insourced role with the intention of moving me to a Reporting Analyst role as the Subject Matter Expert in reporting out of Alvaria Workforce Management.
Volunteer Experience:
Public Discord Moderator | Kumoricon
August 2020 – July 2023
- Answered questions about Kumoricon both during convention events and regularly throughout the year.
- Monitored chats to ensure Code of Conduct was being followed and issued warnings to users for infractions.
- Worked with other moderation staff to de-escalate situations in chats as needed.
Volunteer Experience:
Load-In/Load-Out Staff | Kumoricon
September 2019 – January 2023
- Assisted with the transportation of convention assets between event spaces and storage facility.
Chair | The Friends of the Portland Streetcar
September 2019 – Present
- Maintain the organization’s online presence, including list serves and website.
- Publish meeting announcements and minutes.
- Lead outreach efforts and recruitment of more members.
Volunteer Experience:
Streetcar Advisory Committee Member | Portland Streetcar
September 2018 – September 2019
- Worked with the Portland Bureau of Transportation to identify expansion opportunities for the Portland Streetcar system.
Projects & Planning, and Equity, Advocacy & Communications Subcommittees Member | Portland Streetcar
February 2018 – September 2019 (This position never formally ended, but was wound down with the Advisory Committee’s disbanding.)
Major Projects:
HOP Fastpass Beta Test (March – July) – I was honored to be chosen as one of the first users of HOP Fastpass, a new fare card system for use on C-Tran, Portland Streetcar, and TriMet. It launched to the public on July 5th, but beta testing of additional features is ongoing.
Media coverage:
- Portland learns how to be a smarter city – Portland Tribune (with syndication on KOIN6)
- TriMet unveils new ‘Hop Fastpass’ system – FOX12 Oregon
- TriMet’s Hop Fastpass officially launches – KOIN6
- Hop Fastpass rolls out in Portland metro, making transportation easier for riders – KATU2
Work History:
Support Center Specialist, eCommerce & Digital Operations | The Kroger Company
January 2016 – March 2020
- Performed Tier II support for In-Store Networking systems, including remote management of HP Aruba switches, IBM & Lenovo ThinkCenters, and network security.
- Assisted with migrating 2,000+ sites to a more secure, segmented network setup.
- Coordinated third-party dispatches and onsite activities.
- Performed troubleshooting of hardware and software errors with Pickup, Kroger’s rapidly growing eCommerce platform.
- Ensured site down events are resolved quickly with minimal impact to business operations.
- Created and maintain troubleshooting documentation for multiple teams.
- Trained new and existing associates on new software and hardware rollouts.
- Trained the Portland Digital Support Team.
- Created Microsoft Power BI reports on an as-needed basis to identify trends in trouble tickets.
- Acted as a point-of-contact for the customer-facing support team to raise trending customer issues to Tier III support groups.
- Was the Subject Matter Expert for Digital Operations and Next-Generation Wi-Fi Deployment.
Major Projects:
- Skip Beat! US Release (Work done June 2016, released November 2017) – During the Kickstarter for a US release of Skip Beat!, a call was put out for volunteers to assist with editing episode subtitles. I volunteered my digital red pen and was assigned episodes six and seven to work on.
- Redubbing the NS Line (Released February 15, 2016) – A month-long project to re-dub the Portland Streetcar NS Line in its entirety. I did a low-res 720p export of existing footage I had and ran it through Logic Pro to extract the original audio. Details of every stop were recorded in a Pages document, and recording started with just reading off the entirety of the needed audio. The audio was recorded using a Shure SM7B microphone connected to a PreSonus AudioBox 22VSL connected to my MacBook Pro. The audio was then cut into chunks and aligned with the original audio, stop by stop. The first pass of aligned audio was duplicating, “The next stop is,” to mark where every stop was. The audio bit for each stop was then put in place in a second pass. The third pass involved placing repeated audio at the correct stops, such as, “Doors to the left”. The fourth pass involved manually ducking the dubbed audio over the original. The final pass checked timings, missed audio, and re-records of audio that had artifacts and/or other issues. The finished audio was then bounced from Logic and added to Final Cut Pro, where the original audio track was removed, and the completed dubbing put in its place. Some small video edits were then made before the finished project was uploaded to YouTube.
Work History:
Website Administrator | Schoolhouse Electric & Supply Co.
August 2015 – October 2015
- Updated and maintained the Magento storefront and backend.
- Coordinated with third-party vendors to maintain and develop custom functionality.
- Assisted with SAP By Design integration.
Major Projects:
- Portland Streetcar Proof-of-Concept: A port of the Portland Streetcar website to a responsive design.
- DragonTrax: A clinical encounter and evaluation system for the Nurse Anesthesia program at Drexel University. It was my team’s Senior Design project and was awarded 2nd place in the Senior Design Competition for my college, The College of Computing and Informatics.
Work History:
Archives Assistant | Drexel University
April 2014 – June 2014
- Assisted with the digitization and cataloging of the Archives collection.
- Processed reference inquires.
Major Projects:
Project Getting There: Mobile-friendly bus arrivals for SEPTA. Enter a Stop ID and receive the next three arrivals. Built using the SEPTA API and entirely open-source. I no longer live in Philly, so I’m no longer able to provide regular support for it.
Work History:
Solution and Delivery Analyst, Digital, Quality and Delivery | Accenture Australia
September 2013 – March 2014
- Assisted with the migration from Sharepoint 2007 to Sharepoint 2013 for AGL Energy, one of Australia’s leading energy providers.
- Partook in Dress Rehearsals and Go-Live.
- Provided an evaluation of Microsoft Test Manager.
- Directly supported the Project Manager.
- Developed Windows PowerShell scripts to manage Active Directory and SharePoint 2013.
- Co-developed Perl scripts for batch file processing.
- Designed an application to sync employee photos from a Sharepoint list to Active Directory after rescaling and cropping to the face automatically.
- Created supporting documentation for custom applications.
Archives Assistant | Drexel University
March 2013 – July 2013
- Processed scanning request from university researchers.
- Assisted with digitizing the Archives’ collection and maintenance of its database.
Major Projects:
Twilight Symphony (TPS) / Project Maranello (Release year): Zelda Reorchestrated’s last project. We successfully crowdfunded hiring a live choir via Kickstarter before Kickstarter was widely known. I provided feedback and ideas in the early years of the project and helped out with our panels at MAGFest 2013. The coolest team project I’ve worked on to date.
Work History:
Computer Operator, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | NOAA
October 2012 – March 2013
- Monitored over one-hundred on-site and remote computer systems via Nagios and SSH.
- Monitored and maintained five tape silos.
- Assisted with the decommissioning of one Storagetek Powderhorn 9310.
- Assisted with various building operations, including shipping and receiving and mechanical room checks.
- Created a survey of the wireless network to ensure all areas of the facility were adequately covered via iStumbler.
Scanning Technician, University Archives | Drexel University
July 2012 – August 2012
- Assisted with the digitization of the collection.
- Fulfilled scanning requests for research inquiries.
Work History:
eZseatU Campus Representative, Drexel University | The Philadelphia Orchestra
April 2011 – July 2012
- Created targeted marketing campaigns.
- Managed distribution of promotional and marketing materials around the Drexel University campus.
- Collaborated with other staff to create new campaigns to promote program awareness.
Data Security Analyst | Bristol-Myers Squibb
September 2011 – March 2012
- Assisted with security risk assessments and reviews.
- Developed PHP and mySQL applications for internal use to ensure data integrity.
- Assisted with a company-wide launch of Yammer.
Work History:
Webmaster & Virtual Assistant | Strong Incentives
November 2008 – July 2011
- Developed several specialized WordPress sites.
- Provided graphic design services and general Information Technology consulting.
Community Administrator | Gemakei
January 2008 – April 2014
- Moderation Team Manager.
- Maintained and managed community forums and live chat.
- Contributed news and feature articles for the News Team.
- Reported to the Lead Administrator & Founder.
Work History:
Support Staff | Zelda Reorchestrated
December 2007 – June 2013
- Managed the community forums and live chat operations.
- Responded to inquiries from fans and fielded more technical questions to senior members of the team.
- Provided secondary opinions as needed.
- Assisted with convention appearances.
Why are so many of your positions for a relatively short time?
I was on Drexel’s five-year/three co-op program. For my major at Drexel, I attended Drexel for five years. Three of those five years were spent working for half a year at a co-op. Those co-ops were at BMS, NOAA, and Accenture Australia.
Kumoricon (legally Altonimbus Entertainment, an Oregon nonprofit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation) is entirely volunteer run, including the executive board. As a result, it is not uncommon for staff to hold more than one position during the convention year. Most end dates are approximate and are generally when the position expired for holdover status. The convention year for non-general staff at Kumoricon is generally February – March, when any holdover position typically ends.
Are all of the jobs you’ve listed paid jobs?
No. Some were volunteer, some federal work-study, some salaried, and some hourly.
Why is Drexel listed so many times?
I worked in the University Archives as a Federal Work-Study Student for several years between co-ops. My final position with the Archives was as a Student Employee funded by a surplus in the Archives’ budget. I am extremely thankful to the Archives for their decision to use those funds to bring me back on temporarily.
You seem to move around a lot.
I used to, yes. I do not have any plans to move out of Portland at this time.
Is this a complete listing of everywhere you’ve worked?
As long of a list as it is, no. I am held to some non-disclosure agreements that prohibit me from listing everywhere I’ve worked.
Are you available for hire?
I’m thrilled you asked. I am currently employed full-time, but I am available immediately for part-time/freelance work.
I am also available for a full-time hire, but not immediately. I would need to give a two-weeks notice to my current employer.
What would interest you for a full-time position?
I am open to negotiation, however my asking starting salary is between $88,000 and $96,500. I do not own a car in Portland and rely on public transportation and biking (automatic bonus points if you offer a transit pass option).
I am open to relocation, but not on my own expense at this time. Working remotely is greatly preferred, but I am also open to hybrid and in-office opportunities.