Two small updates were pushed out to the site this week: Updated banner – after leaving the old one up for a month, we figured it was time for a change. UNICLOCK removed from sidebar – We decided to remove the clock widget that used to live in the sidebar. […]
Posts with tag: updates
Two small site updates today: The header and background were changed to complete the transition to the new theme. The new design focuses on a simple, modern feel. Hopper Books and Media was updated with new recommendations for the week. And one larger update: The A Week in Philly series has officially returned. This […]
In keeping up with the site updates, some very small ones were rolled out today: Sidebar: Removed “The Latest 5” box. Since the sidebar only appears on the home page, it was unnecessary to show the latest five posts again. The box still exists in the footer, which is shown […]
That’s right, I love it. While I may still be re-training my new Feed to show me stuff I actually care about, it’s about time real-time became the standard, albeit filtered. For I think about a year now, I’ve been using twitter in real-time. The split second anything gets posted, […]
After nearly a full month of preparations, I’m happy to finally unveil the new look of The France Hopper Network. Personally, I couldn’t stand to look at the old grey any longer. When I designed the initial look, I wanted something I’d be able to look at in the ungodly hours […]
While it may not look like it, some extensive site work has been done today. The majority of it is backend stuff, but there are a few publicly noticeable changes as well. The most noticeable change should be the navigation menu update. If you’re concerned about your privacy, don’t worry, the privacy policy still exists, […]