First off, this is a topic I tend to stay away from as it’s one I usually don’t care to bring up. However, given some recent additions, I thought it would be worth mentioning. In the event that you actually find something interesting on here (and I hope you do. I hate boring blogs too), I think I’ve made it pretty easy now to share whatever you find via pretty much… well, anything. As Google’s +1 is now slowly starting to catch on, I’ve just added the button to the site. You can now +1 posts to you’re heart’s content. Furthermore, as a long time user and support of the ShareThis platform, I’ve also now added one of their experiments to the site as an experiment of my own as well. As you may have noticed, there is now a floating sidebar on the left that offers the same functionality as the share buttons on the bottom of every post (save for +1. ShareThis doesn’t include that yet). While I don’t think I actually have a large enough readership to get a full idea, I’m curious as to what location those of you who do venture on here prefer for sharing buttons: the left, bottom, right, or any combination of them? Let me know your preference in the comments, if you feel like sharing (it’d help if you did :3).
Stephen Weber
Geek, otaku, and public transport advocate. Knows where their coffee is.
10094 posts
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