It’s weird thinking about it, but midterms week at Drexel means I’ve now been back in the US for six weeks. Wow. Doesn’t even remotely feel like that. Then again, it’s hard to believe it’s already week five at Drexel. But, so is the case every term. So, I thought I’d give an update on the state of things.
Construction at campus is, as usual, on going, but we’re now expanding sideways instead. Gone are the asbestos-filled Hess labs, soon to be is another towering monstrosity. The new school of business, lovingly shortened to GHALL by Drexel’s own systems, is neat. It’s tall, the line for “Starbucks” goes on forever, and the elevators have TVs in them. Chestnut Square is the retail on campus we always needed at prices we didn’t. But it does mean a neat new elevator.
As I previously announced on Facebook, I’m University Staff this year (Student Employee), which has me back in the University Archives scanning all the things. The weather here is still pretty damn cold compared to Melbourne, with an average high of 62*F (that 16.67*C for the Metric folks).
Philadelphia looks pretty much the same as before. SEPTA has begun testing new turnstiles and vending machines for the fare card system that will eventually replace tokens (spoiler alert, it’s called Key).
Speaking of SEPTA, they turned 50 this year and have been holding various events to celebrate, like an antique bus display.
Other than that, not much to report on. It’s basically business as usual here at Drexel and in Philly. I’m back to taking more IT classes than other required crap (I’m sure that’ll change in Summer, as usual).