- Thank God for Ustream. Catching some of the Miku concert now. No doubt ripped from the Nico feed. #
- For the record, I do still plan to buy tickets for the re-broadcast on Nico. #
- I would of course still rather be there and at AX in general in person. #
- And Ustream died. Not surprised. #
- Oh well, that was good while it lasted. Looking forward to the re-broadcast. #
- @dieselducy Ah. Shame. Looks like it still runs well overall at least. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/9hF5H_eN-j4?a) #
- And now for bed. #
- @stephenmontero where'd you manage to find that? in reply to stephenmontero #
- I want one – RT @redditflipboard: This is how we roll: #reddit #flipboard http://bit.ly/mdu4ig #
- Win – RT @redditflipboard: as low as 1.1 volts: #reddit #flipboard http://bit.ly/kY39Rw #
- @stephenmontero lame in reply to stephenmontero #
- @stephenmontero lame. SEPTA might suck at being on time, but at least it's cheap. in reply to stephenmontero #
- @ChrisPirillo I've never had a problem with them actually. Best shipping service IMO. in reply to ChrisPirillo #
- Fireworks at Red Bank.
Steve W. # - Fireworks over.
Steve W. # - At @Starbucks Red Bank. Can't believe it's still open.
Steve W. # - I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/soH8jG_gfGQ?a Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten – Official Trailer (PS3) #
- Need to tame your windows on OS X? Free today only: http://bit.ly/kUyKE8 #
- Wow. Already a major car crash on the PKY? That was quick this year. #
- Holy cow. Huge influx of Twitter followers today. Mail ding is going non-stop O_O #
- ding. ding. ding. ding. ding. #
- So many email dings…. #
- I may have to start non-stop mail cat with all this email #
- Seriously. I finish reading one email, another comes in. #
- Is today Follow Monday or something? Did I miss a memo? #
- Since I finally have a chance to say it, Happy 4th of July! #
- @ChrisPirillo doesn't look like it in reply to ChrisPirillo #
- It's kinda quiet now that I'm not getting email every minute… #
- Flickr is broken :/ #
- New desktop background http://twitpic.com/5l99a5 #
- @dannychoo there's a big crowd over at @crunchyroll that wants you at the dance party 😉 #
- This how I'm spending my 4th, @crunchyroll live stream http://twitpic.com/5l9y3r #
- Seriously wish I was at @crunchyroll right now, rather than on the stream. Not the same 🙁 #
- This better seriously happen at NYAF now #
- Alright @Crunchyroll, you have no excuse to not do this at NYAF now http://twitpic.com/5la80s #
- And it's over. Can't wait to see the re-run. Thanks @Crunchyroll! http://twitpic.com/5lad77 #
- Loving the new look of WordPress 3.2 #
- If the Toyota Corolla is the official car of Hatsune Miku, why can't I get a Miku/Vocaloid paint scheme? #
- @cosplayamerica still wish I was there in person. Stream was great though. in reply to cosplayamerica #
- Watching the fireworks on TV. http://t.co/VATf2wT #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/WgQkL_byTCE?a Hacking to the Gate #
- Bank stuff done. Will deal with Nico Nico later so card stuff kicks in first #
- In other news, I would be watching @dannychoo's Culture Japan on TV if @Verizon FiOS carried MNET in my area :/ #
- http://bit.ly/oCibWa [Culture Japan Americ…] Still begging Verizon to carry MNET in my area. Crunchyroll is nice, but Culture Ja… #
- If life was easy, it'd be pretty boring. #
- I entered the contest "Plan an educational and fun weekend getaway for my boys!" on Prizes.org to win $50: http://prizes.org/p/O77ELSZgnu77 #
- http://bit.ly/qSgpy4 [AX 2011] Holy crap that's a lot of people O_O I honestly don't know if you'd actually be able to fit at N… #
- Watching The Social Network. Only constantly proving more that Mark is a dick. #
- I just unlocked the "Ten Hundred" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/p7N7hY #
- I'm at Webko Estate (33 Timothy Lane, Tinton Falls) [pic]: http://4sq.com/rr9sPH #
- Holy shit. Just hit 1k Foursquare checkins without even meaning to. O_O #
- Thank you to @Foursquare for the coupon for 40% off in the store for hitting 1k. Browsing now. #
- And now watching Inglorious Bastards. #
- @Francehopper get lemonade and French baguette from Trader Joes #NTS #
- This happens to me all the time with FedEx: http://xkcd.com/921/ #
- Where to get your fix of anime online for the summer: http://bit.ly/oSFFBx #
- Are you one of the 103 people invested in me? http://bit.ly/inrDRR #EAv #
- I love that I have HDDs go to sleep on the fly. It amazingly makes the Mac so much quieter. #
- “@nairamk: Europe, as seen by Americans.. http://t.co/tZsvu9z” #
- Yay backlog of photos and videos to go through 😀 #
- Oh, and anime too. #
- Since I know some of you always wanted to know, my anime and manga collection: http://youtu.be/k62T7iaUTeg #
- What Apple's like in bed http://t.co/usGKYXi via @FortuneMagazine #
- Co-op selections in. Out of the 14 interviews, got 4 back… as Qualified Alternative :/ #
- On the bright side, one of them is my top pick. Will rank them tomorrow. #
- Sorry Gaia but you can yell at me all you want for using Adblock. I'm not turning it off. Especially on you. #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/5O1_nAAARW0?a COSPLAYERZ: DANZE BEYOND DETH #
- I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/5O1_nAAARW0?a COSPLAYERZ: DANZE BEYOND DETH #
- Sometimes I wish I could name the home screens on my iPad. #1 would be "Crap I actually care about" and #2 "More crap that wouldn't fit". #
- This is just sad: http://bit.ly/pNOr6u #
- Whoa. My site is apparently Google result #4 if you put in France Hopper. Guess that plugin works O_O #
- Trailer for "Pray For Japan" Documentary Streamed http://t.co/y1fIEMN via @crunchyroll #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/sP4NMoJcFd4?a Songify This – CAN'T HUG EVERY CAT — a song about loving cats #
- http://bit.ly/oX8vJb [Culture Japan Americ…] The problem with Crunchyroll is it doesn't output 1080 nor 7.1 DTS. Also, I don't… #
- New Wells Fargo card finally came in. Still has the Wachovia routing number. Went to the branch to get yet ANO… (cont) http://deck.ly/~rHKTR #
- Get Google+Tweet http://t.co/pYKnkic via @crossrider #
- Twitter in Google+? Check. That just leaves Facebook and Foursquare now. #
- Getting some infrastructure up for the next part of FHNWRK. Permitting it goes well, should be up tonight. #
- Well that test failed horribly. #
- I think the best part of Twin Angel on Nico was the comments. God that was awful. #
- I think one of my favorite features of Automator is definitely the ability to batch crop a set of photos. #
- I need a hobby. Just wrote an app to map my PS3 controller to control my Mac. #
- Pro tip of the day: learn how to use sudo killall. Very handy when your mouse driver malfunctions. Don't ask. #
- I approve of the Fail Boat @empireave http://twitpic.com/5nn82q #
- @EmpireAve handy for keeping tabs on stocks 😉 #Eav in reply to EmpireAve #
- Make Short Url for Google+ Profile http://t.co/y8SSoxu #
- Have a Google+? Feel free to Circle me: gplus.to/francehopper #
- Despite Google+ Competition, Disco, Google’s Hushed Messaging App, Continues To Improve http://t.co/LRuMlwx via @techcrunch #
- Library Parking Garage – the coolest one you'll ever see. http://flic.kr/p/CWph9 #
- Hmm. What should I add/complete on my site next? #
- Need a new app to waste your time on? http://bit.ly/rqB3Zx #
- Is it a bad sign if I already sit with a tab open to Google+ all the time? #
- I might have to tune down Google+ emails already. Getting a few too many when other people comment on stuff I've commented on XD #
- Oh god. Not another one: http://bbc.in/q51HkA #
- In case you are not tuned into the news, Japan recently had a M7.1 earthquake. #
- RT @BreakingNews: No immediate reports of injuries or damage in Japan earthquake – @reuters http://reut.rs/n1sioV #
- RT @YokosoNews: NHK: At 10:44, Ofunato Port detected 10cm (3 inch high) Tsunami. #
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