Photo of the caboose car from the historic Meier & Frank Santaland monorail.

Picture Post: You used to be able to go by monorail in Portland. Sort of.

Taken on Dec 12, 2022 @ 16:38.

The text of the informational sign is as follows:

The Meier & Frank Santaland Monorail

For over fifty Christmas seasons, the Louden Supertrack Monorail gave thousands of delighted children a sleigh’s eve view of Santaland at the Meier & Frank Department Store.

Built in Fairfield, Iowa, the monorail is thought to be the only one existing from the 26 originals.

The monorail’s final journey was December 24th, 2005.

For this holiday season, we are pleased to have the caboose car of the Santaland monorail returned to Meier & Frank.
May it be a fond reminder of holidays past.

The Meier & Frank Building