Please excuse the somewhat funky look. I’m making some layout adjustments that should be completed shortly. The site should continue to operate normally in the meantime. Work now completed! Enjoy the new header, background, and very slightly larger content area 😉
Daily Archives: August 4, 2011
3 posts
If you keep an eye on the sidebar, you might have noticed two changes that were quietly added yesterday. When I originally launched FHNWRK, one of the ideas I had was to make it a centralized location for just about everything I’m up to on the web. In accordance with that idea, two […]
@cronocx Kinda modified the Sony box we have so it connects to the Mac over USB. *whistles* in reply to cronocx # Alright, I officially love Flickr. Best wallpaper source ever. # Mmm WD. I hope they've improved their quality. We have a different name for tho (@YouTube # […]