Need to get in touch?
On Mastodon? Send me a toot
Email more your thing? Drop me a line at blog[at]francehopper[dot]com – after you have read the section below.
Note: Messages sent to more than one email at The France Hopper Company are automatically marked as spam. Sending the same message more than once within seven days will result in your emails being permanently blacklisted.
I will not send you a limited edition Hop card. Please contact TriMet. For ORCA, please contact the issuing agency.
Unless I personally know you or have done business with you and/or your company in the past, I am not currently accepting any of the following requests/offers:
- Applications for employment with The France Hopper Company.
- Requests to collaborate on a project (this includes for YouTube videos).
- Sponsorships (both requests for and offers of).
- Requests for funding (including Kickstarter projects. I do not consider Indiegogo projects either.)
- Guest post pitches.
Exceptions to the above policy may be made for the following:
- You are a registered local business in Portland, OR and can provide verifiable proof (additional consideration will be given to those qualifying as a small business.)
- You are a verifiable professional in the anime/manga/Japanese pop culture industry OR the public transport industry.
To confirm that you have read and agree to the above, please include the phrase “Go by transport” as the third sentence in your email. Yes, even if it does not fit the natural flow of the email.