Picture Post Picture Post: Tonight's #library returns. #manga by Stephen Weber|Published May 29, 2017 Share this:MastodonFacebookMorePrintEmailLinkedInRedditTumblrPinterestPocketXLike this:Like Loading... Related
Published November 14, 2016 Picture Post: I don't usually buy a huge amount of groceries in one trip, but when I do, the self checkout attendant at Freddy's asks if I'm getting ready for the riots to get worse. I said, "Nah. Just Thanksgiving." I bought enough for the turkey discount, but I had to pass since I already have one and have no room in the freezer for another one now…
Published May 10, 2022 Picture Post: Nice enough break in the weather to get a bike ride in. Surprise wind guests though. Taken on May 10, 2022 @ 18:59.