Picture Post Picture Post: Some of today's mail :D by Stephen Weber|Published March 20, 2014 Share this:MastodonFacebookMorePrintEmailLinkedInRedditTumblrPinterestPocketXLike this:Like Loading... Related
Published July 10, 2021 Picture Post: Can’t say I ever would have expected to be wearing a tie to the Japanese Garden, but then I can’t say I ever expected to receive an invite to their annual signature event either: the Golden Crane Reception. I was so surprised, I even made a rather awkward phone call to make sure there hadn’t been some mistake. I’m incredibly honored there wasn’t, and I’m thrilled to be attending the first member event since COVID suspended them indefinitely. Taken on Jul 10, 2021 @ 16:59.
Published March 14, 2018 Picture Post: Since the manga has been absolutely brilliant, starting the anime series.