- Wow. iPhone 4 now unlocked. Starting at $650. #
- TIL: you can just stick your AGU card in an Amtrak machine rather than scan a barcode. Much easier.
Steve W. # - Lunch. Of course. (@ Starbucks w/ 4 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kJYd8o #
- Figured that's what happened to my train yesterday: http://t.co/W5cxu1H #
- Watching Astarotte's Toy 9 on Crunchyroll! http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-573146 #crunchyroll #
- I'm at Drexel University Techserv (3250 Chestnut Street Room 0020, Philadelphia) http://4sq.com/iCfjyb #
- Watching Astarotte's Toy 10 on Crunchyroll! http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-573148 #crunchyroll #
- Watching Deadman Wonderland 9 on Crunchyroll! http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-573458 #crunchyroll #
- Watching Gosick 21 on Crunchyroll! http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-572474 #crunchyroll #
- Holy cow. I think that was my shortest interview yet. They want to bring me in for a physical interview 😀 #
- Well, since I now have a boatload of time before Amtrak, time to go get Dexter from the library and watch it. #
- Watching Dexter until the train home. (@ W W Hagerty Library) http://4sq.com/lhMrSb #
- I'm at 30th Street Station (2955 Market St., at 30th St., Philadelphia) w/ 13 others http://4sq.com/l4MT4J #
- 9am interview tomorrow with a 2 hour drive to it. Oh yeah. Can you say Starbucks? #
- Also, it appears my Verizon email is down. Oh well. I hardly use it anyway 😛 #
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