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Remember The Store?

As in the one here on the site? No? I’m not surprised. That was a small side project that was last updated… uh, a year ago? Maybe? And I think it was last actually used two years ago.

Yep. Great track record isn’t it? That’s why today I’m pushing an entirely new one live. It’s sat around quietly for about a month now and seems to mostly work. There are a couple of third-party kinks that are still being worked on.

So why update it if it was the least often used part of the site? Well, the old one was, for one, old. Like last major version of the site old. It’s sat built for the previous layout collecting dust in a badly broken state for too long. The relaunch of the store has actually been a fairly large project. It was mostly built from scratch and is a completely separate entity: it doesn’t share the same navigation as you see here, nor the same design as a whole. In fact, there’s no WordPress backend on the new store. It’s pure HTML5 and CSS3.

Why? Less bloat, a design that actually works for it, and a design that’s responsive. And I don’t mean on mobile you’ll see a stripped down version. The layout is exactly the same, resized for mobile. Or any screen for that matter. Theoretically, you could load it up on a smartwatch (but I don’t recommend it.)

So, if you’re interested, please go check it out. I have a few updates in mind already that will be pushed when they’re ready. If it just collects dust like the previous store, so be it.

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