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Picture Post: It's the little things that make me think @multnomahcountylibrary might be the greatest library system in the world. Sure, no late fees, free print/fax/copy/scanning, free Wi-Fi, and an extensive collection in both print and digital are great, but at no other library in the world have I seen staff at every single branch who are consistently ready and legitimately happy to assist when needed. Every time I'm at Central Library, there's a new arrangement of REAL flowers that sometimes have subtle details. Every day, someone puts in time and effort that shows they care. After so many years of living places where libraries felt like an afterthought, it is so nice to finally have a properly funded system where the people working at it clearly take pride in their work.

Photo of a flower arrangement at the Multnomah County Library Central Branch with two small heart shapes made from branches in the background.

Taken on Feb 08, 2023 @ 08:13.

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