Picture Post: Gotta love @powellsbooks. (And yes, Amazon will be fine.) Stephen Weber 4 years ago Taken on Oct 06, 2020 @ 12:53. Share this: Picture Post: It would appear Jiji approves of the latest @powellsbooks order. Another 15 books inventoried and added to the shelves today.DateJune 1, 2020In relation toPicture PostPicture Post: Gotta love when your new @trimet sweater arrives just in time for caroling on @pdxstreetcar tomorrow (and yes, I do think we need a Streetcar variant).DateDecember 6, 2024In relation toPicture PostPicture Post: It’s been awhile since I’ve had books to inventory. First of the @powellsbooks orders is home.DateMay 30, 2020In relation toPicture Post