Picture Post: As many others noted though, yes, the case is absolutely massive, but gives an extremely large recharge amount – very important for noise canceling buds. Stephen Weber 5 years ago Taken at The Matisse on Oct 23, 2019 @ 21:29. Share this: Picture Post: Madoka is slightly deeper though, mostly because of her extremely fragile, sprawling hair. Miku’s is much more manageable, if very tall.DateSeptember 29, 2019In relation toPicture PostPicture Post: Finally starting watching "Made in Abyss." Yes, I'm late to the game. Manga has been excellent though.DateJanuary 24, 2019In relation toPicture PostPicture Post: The Osmo Pocket definitely fits in pants pocket, but what about shirt? Yep. I think it's goofy the wrist strap is for the case though.DateFebruary 11, 2019In relation toPicture Post