Picture Post: Looking for a holiday gift for a transit enthusiast? Why not a @pdxstreetcar mug? Only $6 from the office in the Pearl! Stephen Weber 6 years ago Taken at The Matisse on Dec 17, 2018 @ 20:17. Share this: Picture Post: Say hello to a new @pdxstreetcar guide. Pick one up onboard your favorite streetcar.DateNovember 11, 2019In relation toPicture PostPicture Post: I was wondering when @pdxstreetcar would start closing off the seats by the cab.DateMarch 23, 2020In relation toPicture PostPicture Post: Can't really have a streetcar without an operator. Available now at the @pdxstreetcar Office in the Pearl. There are multiple colors too ;)DateFebruary 4, 2019In relation toPicture Post